
The UnfoldSubpages plugin is used to display all or some subpages of the current or a given page. This gives an overview for a Help:WikiBlogPlugin, Help:CalendarPlugin or similar subpages.

Warning: Don't use it with subpages with nonexistent sections! The section extractor is currently quite unstable.


<<UnfoldSubpages sortby=-mtime words=50 maxpages=5>>
<<UnfoldSubpages quiet=1 smalltitle=1>>
<<UnfoldSubpages sections=2 words=100>>
<<UnfoldSubpages lines=3>>
<<UnfoldSubpages pagename="PhpWikiAdministration"
                 section="Plugin Arguments" sectionhead=1>>


All PageList arguments, plus the following ones:



Default value


Any pagename or if empty the current page.



Boolean. If true, header should be omitted.



Sort by + (ASC) or - (DESC) and one column.
Multiple columns like sortby="-hits,-mtime" not yet supported.
Supported columns: [+|-]pagename, [+|-]mtime, [+|-]hits.



Maximum number of pages to include or all if not defined.



Maximum number of sections per page to include or all if not defined.



Include this named section per page only if defined.



When including a named section show the heading.



If set, hide transclusion-title, just have a small link at the start of the page.



Maximum number of words per page to include.



Maximum number of lines per page to include.



Maximum number of bytes per page to include.


Deprecated Arguments




Deprecated. Renamed to maxpages.


'asc' or 'desc'. Deprecated: use "+" or "-" before the column name with sortby.


<<UnfoldSubpages pagename=Help maxpages=5 >>

Included from Help/AddingPages

Adding pages

To add a new page to the wiki, all you have to do is come up with a meaningful title and put it between [[double brackets]].

Then you can go ahead and click the question mark at the end of your new hyperlink, and the Wiki will give you a window for making the new page.

The page name can contain any character, except:

  • angle brackets (<>),
  • square brackets ([]),
  • curly brackets ({}),
  • double quotes ("),
  • pipe (|),
  • and hash sign (#) that is used for anchors.

If you wish to add documents with complex markup to the wiki, you might be better off providing a URL to it than trying to add the text of the document here, like so:

[[|PhpWiki project homepage]]

PhpWiki project homepage

The Wiki does not support most HTML tags, only the simplest. See TextFormattingRules. <tags>They will just render like text.</tags> Wiki is meant to be as simple as possible to encourage use.

Note that there is a feature that your system administrator can enable to allow embedded HTML, but there are security risks involved.

Removing pages

Removing a page will clear all it versions. The history of the page will still be visible and the removal will appear in the RecentChanges. It will be possible to restore the page by creating a new version; in that case, all previous versions will be restored.

You must be logged as administrator to be able to remove a page.

Purging pages

Purging a page will delete it with all its versions without any possibility to restore it. Purging will not appear in the RecentChanges.

You must be logged as administrator to be able to purge a page.

Included from Help/Advice for Mediawiki users

If you contribute to Wikipedia or to other wikis that use the Mediawiki software, you will notice some differences in the wiki syntax of Mediawiki and the wiki syntax of Phpwiki.

Syntax differences

Here are some differences between Mediawiki and Phpwiki:

  • Italics are // (but you can also use '' like in Wikipedia)
  • Bold is ** (you cannot use ''' like in Wikipedia)
  • Line break is \\ in Wikicreole, <br /> in Mediawiki
  • There is no automatic capitalisation of first character of page name. Pages [[foo]] and [[Foo]] are different.
  • A space in a page name in not equivalent to an underscore. Pages [[foo bar]] and [[foo_bar]] are different. We recommend to use a space in the page names.
  • Many things that are built-in in Mediawiki use plugins in Phpwiki (table of contents, redirections, back links, etc.).
  • Redirections are less sophisticated in Phpwiki (e.g. backlinks do not show redirected pages)


You can use the Mediawiki table syntax.

Included from Help/Categories

Categories are a way to group pages that are related to the same subject. They provide an easy way to browse the wiki.

In Phpwiki, categories are not stored in a separate namespace like in Mediawiki for instance. A category is a page with a name that begins with “Category” and contains a call to the BackLinks plugin.

Creating a new category

The simplest way to create a new category is to to go the CategoryCategory page.

Enter its name (starting with “Category”) and hit “CreatePage” button.

This will automatically insert the necessary plugins calls.

You might want to add at the beginning of the page a paragraph explaining the purpose of the category.

Suppose you want to create a category called CategoryFruit. You might add:

This Category groups the different kinds of fruit.

By default, the new category is created as a subcategory of CategoryCategory (the “root” category). You might want to change this (see below “Category hierarchies”).

Putting a page in a category

To put the article banana in CategoryFruit, you have to put at the end of the page:


The CategoryFruit page will then display your text describing the purpose of the category, then the list of pages in the category.

The can be done very easily by using the Insert Categories button of the edit toolbar when editing the page.

Category hierarchies

The simplest way to use categories is to use “flat” categories. But you can also build a hierarchy of categories by putting categories themselves in categories.

For example, you can put the [[CategoryFruit]] in [[CategoryFood]] instead of default [[CategoryCategory]].

Tips and tricks

  • Page CategoryCategory is the root category. All categories should be subcategories of this category (recursively).
  • If in a page you need to refer to a category, you should add a semi-colon: [[:CategoryFruit]]. This will create a link to the category without putting the page in the category (which would be the case if using [[CategoryFruit]]).
  • You can put a page in several categories if needed.


Included from Help/EditText

All pages have an Edit link. You can edit the page you are reading by clicking that link.

Included from Help/GoodStyle

“Young writers often suppose that style is a garnish for the meat of prose, a sauce by which a dull dish is made palatable. Style has no such separate entity; it is nondetachable, unfilterable. The beginner should approach style warily, realizing that it is himself he is approaching, no other; and he should begin by turning resolutely away from all devices that are popularly believed to indicate style--all mannerisms, tricks, adornments. The approach to style is by way of plainness, simplicity, orderliness, sincerity.”

--Strunk and White, “The Elements of Style”

And thus an American textbook, typical required reading for 10th-grade English students, unknowingly extols some virtues of Wabi Sabi.


Included from Help/GoogleLink

A new UserPreferences setting to optionally add a [G] link to unknown pages, with a link to Google:[pagename]. Default: Off

See MeatBall:GooglePrompt

See Also